June 12 to 16

June 12th, 2019:

Screening/ Panel
Film « Rumble » (FR)

Canadian Cultural Center
130 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, 75008 Paris
"A chapter in the history of American music, as profound as it is essential and yet largely unknown until now: that of indigenous influence. Through the portrait of musical icons, Rumble shows how these talented musicians have helped shape the soundtracks of our lives".
The film will be followed by a moment of exchange with French and Canadian speakers on the influence of indigenous culture on contemporary music, and more broadly, on the blending of African, Latin and European cultures.

Sophie Gergaud :
Ethno-cinéaste, Sophie Gergaud travaille dans une démarche interdisciplinaire au carrefour de la recherche scientifique et de la production artistique et événementielle. Depuis une quinzaine d'années, elle consacre l'essentiel de ses travaux à l'art et aux cinémas autochtones, ainsi qu'au rôle des médias communautaires dans la défense et l'affirmation du droit à l'auto-détermination des peuples autochtones. Consultante et programmatrice indépendante, elle dirige notamment le Festival Ciné Alter'Natif, seul festival français entièrement consacré aux films réalisés et/ou produits par des Autochtones. Elle coordonne actuellement l'ouvrage collectif Cinémas autochtones : Des représentations en mouvement et termine la rédaction du livre Cinémas autochtones, qui paraîtront tous deux en 2019.
Réalisatrice de formation, elle a collaboré avec la société de production canadienne Rezolution Pictures sur le film RUMBLE: The Indians Who Rocked the World comme productrice artistique, consultante chercheuse et collaboratrice sur l'écriture narrative du film. Elle en assure aujourd'hui la distribution en France et anime plusieurs conférences-rencontres dans le cadre de la tournée du film.
Raina Lampkins Felder :
Raina Lampkins-Fielder est une conservatrice et programmeur culturel basée à Paris. Elle était auparavant directrice artistique du Mona Bismarck American Center consacré à l'art américain du XXe siècle et contemporain et rédactrice en chef adjointe du magazine SOME
/ THINGS, revue bi-annuelle internationale des arts et de la culture et directrice de la programmation artistique de SOME / THINGS SECRET Gallery à Paris. Elle a été directrice du conseil académique au Paris College of Art (anciennement appelé Parsons Paris School of Art + Design). Auparavant, elle a été directrice adjointe du Whitney Museum of American Art de New York, où elle supervisait l'éducation et les programmes publics. Elle a travaillé pendant plus de 20 ans dans des musées et des institutions culturelles, notamment au Brooklyn Museum of Art, au New Museum of Contemporary Art à New York et au Andy Warhol Museum à Pittsburgh, en Pennsylvanie. Raina a organisé de nombreuses expositions, a été un juré pour des programmes de résidence d'artistes, a organisé et participé à de nombreuses conférences académiques et a beaucoup parlé de l'accessibilité du public aux arts aux États-Unis et à l'étranger.
Trina Tamukdar (Kranti) :
« Kranti » signifie « revolution en Hindou. Les filles, les femmes issues des « zones rouges » d’Inde ont un réel impact sur le changement. Non pas à cause de leur passé mais grâce à ce dernier. Si elles ont accès à toute l’éducation et aux mêmes chances que les autres femmes, elles pourront à leur tour, devenir des leaders révolutionnaires ; plus innovantes, plus empathiques et activistes grâce à leurs expériences de vie.
Au départ, les Indo-Canadiens ont fui leur pays à cause des conditions sociales et économiques. Dans les années 20, malgré des lois anti-asiatiques d’immigration, le Canada lance un programme dédié aux femmes et aux enfants ce qui augmente la population dans le pays. Les communautés indiennes ont immigré au Canada depuis le début des années 1900 et représente aujourd’hui presque 20% de la population (Source : The Canadian Encyclopedia).

Mix, Meet & Drinks
(For professionals only)
Canadian Embassy
130 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, 75008 Paris
Paris New York Heritage Festival is a hub dedicated to promote meetings. We try to break the codes of culture, borders and highlight the fact that sharing is the most important value.
Subscribe to our Mix, Meet & Drink event to meet new people in the music industry in order to share ideas, projects or moreover, create partnerships.
Professional meetings with Canadian artists and labels.
Label Afrokats
Label Speakeasy
Label Tupi Collective
Label The Good People
(Réservé aux professionnels)

June 13th,2019 - Paris / Bamako

Flem (FR) & Vieux Farka Touré (Mali) Present "NOMADES"
FGO Barbara
1 Rue Fleury, 75018 Paris

The "Nomades" Group was born from a collaboration between the French rapper Flem, and Vieux Farka Touré, nicknamed by the American media the Hendrix of the Sahara, son of the legendary Ali Farka Touré. Flem has worked with artists such as Dany Dan of the "Wise Street Poets" and DJ Duke of the "Assassin" group.
Mandingo songs, poetically committed texts and Tuareg melodies make up this new militant project produced between Bamako and Paris. Flem and Vieux met in 2009 at the Festival du Désert near Timbuktu. In 2012, they were together at the Festival de Niafunké, the village where the Touré family was born, for peace in northern Mali. The next day Flem was evacuated to the capital because a terrorist attack was announced by the Malian state services. Their friendship leads them to make this second opus to address the political, economic, and cultural issues that concern the sub-Saharan region.
The Paris-New York Festival and the theme of activism through culture was therefore the ideal and logical opportunity to present Nomades before its official release at the end of 2019.

June 14th 2019 - From Paris With HipHop
In partnership with Paris HipHop

Raashan Ahmad Release Party & Friends
Akua Naru
Worldwide DJs
Mona Bismarck American Center
34 Avenue de New York, 75116 Paris

Originally from Connecticut, Akua Naru will be noticed in 2011 with her song The World is Listening and her texts that illustrate her attachment to the African continent. Her music, committed and political, echoes the great female figures who are dear to her, such as Lauryn Hill or Erykah Badu. With three albums to her credit, Akua Naru has created her own musical identity combining hip hop beats, jazz tunes and soul delicacy. She never stops questioning in her latest album The Blackest Joy released in 2018. Eleven titles tinged with respect, emancipation and hope.

Between the soul of the 70s and the world music with which he grew up listening to, Raashan Ahmad knows how to play with notes to sublimate his version of hip-hop. The result? A new authentic urban jazzy groove album.
Raashan Ahmad releases his new album the SUN at the end of MAY 2019, on this occasion the festival gives him a chance to present it to you... For the first time he will be accompanied by his BAND, new tracks, surprises, guests. With his generosity and energy, Raashan is planning an explosive set!

June 15th, 2019 - Legend & Tropical

Eumir Deodato (US) avec Cotonete 8tet (FR)
Worldwide DJs
Mona Bismarck American Center
34 Avenue de New York, 75116 Paris
Eumir DEODATO - Keyboard
Florian PELISSIER - Clavinet
Amanda ROLDAN - Singer
Frank CHATONA - Saxophone
Farid Baha - Guitar
Jean Claude Kebaili - Bass
Benoit Giffard - Trombone
Paul Bouclier - Trumpet
David Georgelet - Drums

Jean Claude Kebaili - Basse
Benoit Giffard - Trombonne
Paul Bouclier - Trompette
David Georgelet - Batterie
For more than 45 years, Eumir Deodato has been one of the fathers of jazz-funk. But his collaborations with Frank Sinatra, Roberta Flack, Aretha Franklin or more recently Björk, make him the master of style fusion.
For the re-release of his album at Far Out, the legend Eumir Deodato will go on stage with the French septet... Cotonete!
Puissant, bouillonnant, élégant et irrésistible : les agitateurs du jazz-funk français n’ont pas fini de nous faire danser. Depuis la naissance du groupe en 2005 sous l’égide de Florian Pellissier et Franck Chatona, l’octet Cotonete a pourtant définitivement pris son envol parmi les astres du funk. Depuis quelques années, ils enchaînent les projets et les collaborations aussi vite qu’ils placent riffs et syncopes, comme avec la chanteuse brésilienne Simone Mazzer, révélation de 2015. En 2017, ils sortent trois maxis dont un disque produit avec leur ami Dimitri From Paris avec le hit « Parribean Disco ». En 2019, ils sortent leur premier album, « Super-Vilains » (sur Heartbeat/Heavenly Sweetness), un concentré de leur savoir-faire. Et ce n’est pas fini : le groupe s’apprête en effet à sortir un nouvel album fin mai, « Atemporal », avec le chanteur brésilien Di Melo sur Favorite Recordings. On trouve à la batterie David Georgelet, à la basse Jean-Claude Kebaili, à la guitare Farid Baha, au trombone Benoit Giffard, aux trompettes Christophe Elliot Touzalin et Paul Bouclier (également aux percusssions), Florian Pellissier aux claviers, et Franck Chatona aux saxes.

The Mooses is a collective of three djs: Dj Kobal Dj Don Mescal and Dj Mks. They are three dynamic actors from the multicultural Montreal music scene offering an alternative in non-commercial music. Indeed, the three acolytes are specialists in finding forgotten rhythms.
After years of research these three djs have built a collection of rare and sometimes even unknown records for the general public. Each has a different and eclectic sound, their technique have a direct impact on the listeners. Their very rhythmic selection from the Caribbean and South and Central America leaves no one indifferent. In addition, they are (also) event producers who have already collaborated with important internationally recognized artists. Indeed, they regularly produce events with foreign artists who sometimes perform for the first time in Montreal: Nickodemus (USA), Quantic (USA), Polo & Pan (FR), The Swingrowers (Italy), JFB (UK), Julien Lebrun (France), OBF (France), Sr. Wilson (France), Demolition Man (USA) Taiwan Mc (France) This collective is a true music curator who makes unknown or non-commercial artists known to the general public.
The Mooses is a collective of three djs: Dj Kobal Dj Don Mescal and Dj Mks. They are three dynamic actors from the multicultural Montreal music scene offering an alternative in non-commercial music. Indeed, the three acolytes are specialists in finding forgotten rhythms.
After years of research these three djs have built a collection of rare and sometimes even unknown records for the general public. Each has a different and eclectic sound, their technique have a direct impact on the listeners. Their very rhythmic selection from the Caribbean and South and Central America leaves no one indifferent. In addition, they are (also) event producers who have already collaborated with important internationally recognized artists. Indeed, they regularly produce events with foreign artists who sometimes perform for the first time in Montreal: Nickodemus (USA), Quantic (USA), Polo & Pan (FR), The Swingrowers (Italy), JFB (UK), Julien Lebrun (France), OBF (France), Sr. Wilson (France), Demolition Man (USA) Taiwan Mc (France) This collective is a true music curator who makes unknown or non-commercial artists known to the general public.

(Reserved for ATLA students only)
École Atla
12 Villa de Guelma, 75018 Paris
Students at Atla School will have the opportunity to experience a unique moment with Raashan Ahmad and the legendary Eumir Deodato. These special events allow artists to share their history, experience and passion with new generations of artists and professionals.